So networks are making cut backs during these tough times and it looks like we're going to suffer on Thursdays nights. As I tune in to watch Ugly Betty at 8pm I see that its not airing. I go to check the TV listings and can't seem to find when the next episode is going to be on. WTF
So i did a little research and found out that there will be no new episodes until May 7th the earliest!! I'm really upset that there was no warning that the show was going off air for almost 2 months. Don't they think that the viewers have a right to know whats going on with the networking schedules. So instead they are introducing a new show into that time slot.

IN THE MOTHERHOOD aired last night in Ugly Betty's slot and I was not at all impressed. First off I was really upset that UB was not being aired, then the replacing show was not even worth me tuning in for. I thought maybe since Megan Mullally (from Will & Grace) was in the cast it would be a funny show. Boy was I wrong. I found the first episode to be quite boring and the humor was just not there. Maybe because I'm not a mom I found it rather dry, what do you guys think?? Non the less I don't see it lasting very long on any network. Is it me or has Megan Mullally not been in anything decent since Will & Grace??
As for all you UG fans, I guess we wait patiently until May 7th for our Betty to come back to us.
Oh and just a little tim bit of info. The show only has about 2 episodes left until the season finale airs. With the great weather approaching we lose a lot of great TV :( But the sun is shinning and the city is all ours. Oh well it will just keep us even more excited for the season to come.
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