Can you believe the drama last night on Wisteria Lane ??? WOW Porter gets Anne preggers WTF that's just gross! Although I can't even imagine what Lynette is going thorough she still comes to the rescue from Anne's abusive husband. Even though she didn't approve of what was going on with her and her son, she still had some human compassion to realize that no woman should be treated that way by any man. OK so is it me or do we really wanna see Anne's husband get the crap beat out of him. I'd like to give him a few shots myself.
As if that wasn't enough the boys finally hit it on stage for their first real gig for the band. Except there's an interruption when psycho Dave Williams kills his doctor. I did not see that coming i must say. I'm so confused as to why he came back and whats the deal with him and Mike.
What unsettled business does he have that he would actually save his life from the fire to continue his scheming plan towards him. Messed up i tell ya! all in all it was great TV for a Sunday night.
Thanks for the drama and keep it coming